Linux Web Hosting A description of linux web hosting to follow

We offer two packages: a standard package and full package. The features of both packages are almost identical. The only difference is that the full package allows for more domains and offers more disk space and traffic usage. Both packages are identicical in all other aspects. We frequently update the development language codebase on our servers, which can be enabled in the web control panel once you are ready to deal with any API changes. Our systems are perfect for developers, designers and web freelancers because of this.

Package Options A description of packages to follow

Standard Package

R 99 /pm

  • 5 Domains
  • 20 GB Traffic / 8 GB Space
  • 50 Mailboxes
  • Python, Perl, Ruby + PHP
Contact Us

Full Package

R 239 /pm

  • 20 Domains
  • 50 GB Traffic / 18 GB Space
  • 100 Mailboxes
  • Python, Perl, Ruby + PHP
Contact Us

Linux Web Hosting Core features of our packages to follow

Manage mailboxes, forwards, aliases and catchall addresses. Includes webmail.
Manage your domains. Add and update new domains.
Manage your websites, FTP details and redirects.
Manage your databases and database users. Includes PHPMyAdmin.
Website Logs
You will have access to your website logs, private FTP space and webdav space.
Easy Installs
Popular web scripts such as Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal can be installed via the web control panel.
:: Update Notifications ::
PHP 7.0.4 available
PHP v7.0.4 now available on all web servers. Check in the control panel.

Roundcube updated to 1.1.4
Roundcube Webmail updated to latest (v1.1.4) on all hosting servers.

Roundcube updated to 1.1.3
Roundcube Webmail updated to latest (v1.1.3) on all hosting servers.

MySQL 5.6 available
MySQL v5.6 now available on all web servers.

Roundcube updated to 1.1.2
Roundcube Webmail updated to latest (v1.1.2) on all hosting servers.

PHP 7 available
PHP v7.0 beta now available on all web servers. Check in the control panel.

PHPMyAdmin updated to 4.1.1
PHPMyAdmin updated to latest (v4.1.1) on all hosting servers.